Treatment Offered at This Clinic

We respond to all matters related to pediatric medicine

Cold-like symptoms

Please feel free to speak to us regarding any concerns you may have.
Cold-like symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, vomiting, and diarrhea.
We also offer rapid tests and blood tests when necessary for your child’s condition.

Rapid tests (in-clinic, results come in 5~30 minutes)

Blood test

Capillary blood test

Requests for tests to other institutions

Other tests

Dermatological Conditions

Small children often get bumps on their skin, but if left alone, these could quickly become much worse. Also, using too much moisturizing cream can irritate the skin and cause eczema.
The cause may be allergies in some cases, so it’s important to clear up your child’s skin as soon as possible.
In order to do so, proper cream application is key. At our clinic, a nurse will check up on how you apply cream and answer any questions you may have.

Growth and Development Consultations from the Time of Your Child’s Birth

Newborn babies don’t always drink formula or breast milk well. Many parents find themselves overcome with worries such as their child not being able to feed well or vomiting after feeding. We’ll work together to see how we can help you and your baby.

Three months after they’re born, your baby’s expressions will start to change greatly. It’s a very cute time in their lives, but at the same time, it can also be a very worrying time. There are some things that cannot be handled during an infant checkup, so please come for a general examination.

In order to give you the best possible follow-up regarding development, we may ask you to go to ”Children's General Consultation.”

Every person is different, including in terms of development, and there may be many things you are uneasy about. If you’re ever feeling very uneasy, there might be something hidden under the surface. Please let us watch over your child together with you as they develop.

Urination at Night

Enuresis is a condition in which children who reach around six years of age are still unable to wake up to urinate and wet the bed.
If you have concerns, let’s think of the best way to handle them together. Some children stop wetting the bed with lifestyle or sleep schedule changes. Also, if necessary, we can also prescribe medication.
When you visit, please have your child come with you. The truth is that children often struggle alone, thinking themselves to be “bad” children. Also, no treatment will work without the child’s cooperation.
Please come and speak with us.

Stool Issues

Many patients at our clinic come for help with constipation. Also, we often find that constipation is the problem with children who suffer from long-term stomach pain. It can have a large impact on bedwetting as well. (When stool builds up in the bowels, it pushes up against the bladder, making it harder to hold urine.)
Let us help you finally get some relief for your child.


Allergic Diseases

We treat conditions like atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma (childhood asthma), hay fever, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and hives. We also do allergy screening and sublingual immunotherapy. Parents are especially concerned about smaller children, so we take great care in instructing you on how to use medicine.

Sublingual Immunotherapy

This is a therapy that aims to eliminate allergies to cedar pollen and mites.
Children can start receiving this therapy around the time they are five years old. It involves placing a dissolving tablet under the tongue for one minute, then swallowing it. This will be repeated every day for three to five years.
At our clinic, mothers and fathers sometimes undergo this therapy alongside their children.

If you are interested, we will use pamphlets to explain how it works to you, so please contact us.

Navel Issues

If the remnants of your child’s umbilical cord have come off but the belly button still seems raw and isn’t healing properly, we can treat it to help it heal.
Also, if your child’s belly button is swollen, we can fix it by applying pressure.

We also welcome patients beyond the age for pediatric care!

We treat things like colds, eczema, and hay fever in patients beyond pediatric care age. In particular, parents often receive infectious diseases from their children, so we treat parent and child at the same time.
We also welcome patients to continue coming to this clinic even after they turn 16 and age out of pediatric care.

Vaccinations, Infant Checkups

Please make a reservation on our website. We take reservations as early as three months in advance.
If you register on our reservation site when you make your reservation, we can send you a notification of the next vaccine from our website.

Regular Vaccinations

We offer all regular vaccinations.

Optional Vaccinations (prices are per injection and tax-inclusive)

Please contact us if you would like to request other vaccines.
After a vaccination, we will offer advice on the next vaccination.


Click the link and learn about diseases that vaccines can prevent!

Infant Checkups

  • We check general things such as your child’s body growth, motor function, and mental development.
  • At checkups between nine months and twelve months old, we check vision and hearing free of charge.
    (If there are abnormalities, we check again when the child is between 12 and 15 months old. If the abnormalities persist, we recommend consulting with an ophthalmologist.)
  • We also offer instructions for umbilical hernias and eczema.
    (However, after the second time, we will have you come to a general examination.)
  • In addition to checkups paid for with free checkup coupons (6~9 months, 9~11 months), we also offer checkups for other ages.
    (The ordinary fee for checkups is ¥6,000 (incl. tax))
  • We also do two-month postnatal checkups. You can schedule a checkup at the same time as a vaccination, but scheduling just a checkup is also perfectly fine. These are covered by health insurance, so be sure to bring your health insurance card and your child’s medical expense eligibility card.

We also do infant vision and hearing screenings


A child’s vision changes as they age. This will be checked at each checkup, but things like differences in vision between the left and right eyes and heterotropia are overlooked to a problematic degree. A child’s vision improves due to visual stimuli from the time they are born, so if they aren’t able to see properly, their vision won’t improve. Also, if you’ve ever been warned that children shouldn’t use a smartphone until they’re three, that’s because vision improvement slows after turning three years old. At this clinic, we use a machine with a camera called a vision screener to check eyesight and a small device called an OAE screener to check hearing at 9~12 month checkups. Neither of these involve any pain and are over within a few seconds. Also, if you have vision or hearing concerns, we can perform a test that is covered by insurance. Vision screenings are recommended for children 10 months of age or older, and hearing tests can be done at any age.

General Childcare Consultations

Please come to us with any questions or concerns regarding childcare. We can talk about anything from how to interact with your child to developmental disorders. Sometimes just love isn’t enough, and certain techniques come in handy. We have three certified public psychologists (two clinical psychologists and one nurse) who will sit down and talk with you.

  • Location
    We have prepared a counseling room at the back of the first floor.

  • Consultation Hours
    The first session will last roughly 45 minutes. The second session and beyond are 30 minutes.
    Please assume that you can only speak with Dr. Fujiwara for five minutes or less. If we think the conversation will require more time, we may ask you to set up some other time after the examination to continue.

  • Fee
    The first session is free. We take a fee of ¥500 (incl. tax) for the second session and beyond. For high schoolers, an insurance copay is added.

  • Counselors (Reservation-only)
    ◎Tuesday: Fumiko Kano
    A mother and counselor.
    She also works as a nurse at this clinic and has experience as a phone counselor at different facilities.
    ◎Wednesday: Ai Arai
    A mother and clinical psychologist.
    She is also a school counselor and does counseling at the education center.
    ◎Friday and Saturday: Keisuke Sawano
    A gentleman clinical psychologist.
    He also works as a school counselor.

All three of these counselors have Dr. Fujiwara’s trust. You can trust them to listen to you. They will coordinate with Dr. Fujiwara to support your child and your family.
We’ve had many people come for a counseling session and leave saying they wish they had come to us sooner. You don’t have to go it alone; come talk to us.



9:00~12:00 / 14:00~17:00
Tuesday afternoons,
Saturday afternoons,